Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sweetheart Pink

Hello all!  I took a little break from blogging to recover from the holidays, but I'm back now.

This is a mani that I wore before the holidays, I think a couple days before Christmas.  During the very busy and hectic retail holiday season I was using my nail polish as a coping tool, sometimes redoing a manicure the next day just because I was stressed.  But this one came at a time when I felt like I needed something pink in my life.  Something to get me centered and feeling like myself again.

Funny how I always turn to pink for those times....

Anyway, this is the Ulta brand of nail polish and it's in the old bottle so I got it for SUPER cheap (I think I might have paid a dollar for this bottle).  I found this one to be almost the perfect consistency formula wise, had a lovely cream finish, and the color just made me happy.  It's Barbie pink.  And what self-respecting girly girl doesn't like Barbie pink?

This manicure would have lasted me much longer without chipping than I let it stay on my nails because I got my lovely Christmas pressie from Herself and Brother (you can find Part 1 here).

I did kind of feel like Barbie while wearing this color, except I don't have 8 different careers and all of Barbie's stuff.

Ulta Sweetheart Pink normally retails for around $6 US.  But I got my bottle in a 5 for $5 deal.  =)

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